How Did I Get Here?: The Ascent of an Unlikely CEO – A Review

I just finished How Did I Get Here?: The Ascent of an Unlikely CEO which is Tony Hawk’s story about how his skateboarding career turned into him leading a multimillion dollar company.

The book is an easy read and very short. (The book finished when my Kindle iPad app said it was only 67% done) I cranked through it in a few days reading a little bit each night.  It is an interesting mix of stories, stream of consciousness, and even raw tweets from @tonyhawk.

What I liked best about the book was Tony’s attitude. Not only did he start a bunch of companies and make a bunch of money, but he did it while helping people on the way and staying pretty true to his roots. I was surprised at how many times he started a company, event, or film just to have it lose money, but he kept it alive out of his own pocket because he believed in it. Those decisions may have come back to bite him a few times, but he had so many great successes that all the failures seem worth it.

I was also surprised about how humble he is. (The last 30% of the book was giving credit to other people). He always made it seem like it was luck and the help of other people that got him where he is, not his own skill and instincts.

If you’re at all interested in the life of Tony Hawk, or even how people can make so much money in the action sports industry, I suggest giving it a read.

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