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Tag Archives: Cocoa
Introducing: HappyCampfire, a Campfire framework for OS X and iOS
One of my favorite tools that I use at work is Campfire. If you haven’t heard of Campfire, it’s a group chat web app built by 37 signals. It’s very easy to use and has some fun features. One day … Continue reading
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Tagged Cocoa, code, framework, happycampfire, happycampr, iPhone, Mac
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How to make your app open in full screen on Lion
One of Lions new features is full screen apps. Full screening an app is supposed to remove all distractions and make room for more of the app’s UI. Actually implementing this in your app is quite simple, but finding how … Continue reading
Getting started with Cocoa’s new auto layout
Auto layout might be the most exciting Mac only thing announced at WWDC this year. It improves on Cocoa’s idea of springs and struts and will let spend way less time building your UI. Despite seeing auto layout used at … Continue reading
Automatic Link Detection in an NSTextView
NSTextView is a really powerful text view class. It can do all kinds of stuff like automatic spelling correction, email, phone number, and address detection, and link detection. I was working on a chat application and I wanted to have … Continue reading
How to create a custom cocoa framework
I was recently trying to rip out some code from the Thoughtback app into it’s own framework so that I could eventually open source when we decide to make our API public. I’ve used frameworks plenty of times, but I’ve never … Continue reading