NSTextView is a really powerful text view class. It can do all kinds of stuff like automatic spelling correction, email, phone number, and address detection, and link detection. I was working on a chat application and I wanted to have links that people sent be clickable. I was using an NSTextView because it has the automaticLinkDetection property.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get links to show up in my app. I tried sending it delegate messages and lots of other stuff. It just wouldn’t work when I set the text programatically. It would only work when I was actually typing in to the NSTextView and even then, it was a little flaky. I posted a question on StackOverflow and didn’t get any answers.
So to fix the problem, I did the link detection myself. I look through the text view for links and then add them myself as NSAttributedStrings. I did this using three different categories.
There is NSAttributedString+Hyperlink, NSString+FindURLs, and NSTextView+AutomaticLinkDetection. I use the FindURLs category to find the links and their locations, then I use the Hyperlink category to format the string like a link, and the AutomaticLinkDetection category to bring them together.
You use it like this
[myTextView setString:@"http://google.com http://apple.com"]; [myTextView detectAndAddLinks];
And here is the implementation
-(void)detectAndAddLinks { NSArray *linkLocations = [[self string] locationsOfLinks]; NSArray *links = [[self string] arrayOfLinks]; int i=0; for( NSString *link in links ) { NSAttributedString *linkString = [NSAttributedString hyperlinkFromString:link withURL:[NSURL URLWithString:link]]; [[self textStorage] replaceCharactersInRange:[[linkLocations objectAtIndex:i] range] withAttributedString:linkString]; i++; } }
I put an example project on GitHub that you can look at and use.
Let me know if there was something I missed that would make it so I don’t have to use the category.
You may also want to have a look at my AutoHyperlinks.framework. It’s a forked lightweight variant of what Adium uses, Intel 64-bit, ARC powered and Mac App Store conform. Anyway, thanks for sharing this code, it seems pretty elegant and easy to implement, maybe I can use this for a completely rewritten variant of AutoHyperlinks some day
[textView checkTextInDocument:nil];
Thanks, [textView checkTextInDocument:nil] works perfectly!
Thanks so much, this works great!
Do apple support it….?/