Thoughtback has a new feature that will help you integrate it into your apps

One of the biggest requests we get for Thoughtback is an API. We’re working one but it’s not quite ready yet. In the meantime we have a way you can integrate Thoughtback into your own apps.

The way to do this is with the Thoughtback URL schema.

The URL schema will allow any app (even on the web) to send a thought through the Thoughtback app.

The easiest way to give it a try is to click this link or paste this string into your browser

thoughtback://send?thought=This was a great post&redirect=

Method: send

Arguments: thought, redirect (optional)

thought: The thought you want to send

redirect: A URL to open after the thought is sent.

After the thought is sent, Thoughtback will open the URL and append a query string to it.

If sending the thought was a success, it will append the following query string.

?success=true&thought=A Random Thought

If sending the thought failed, it will append the following query string.

?success=false&error=The reason it failed

Thoughtback will use the currently logged in user to send the thought and return a thought from that same user. If Thoughtback isn’t installed, the URL will fail to load.

This works with both the Mac (v1.3+) and iPhone (v1.4+) apps so you can integrate on either platform. Hopefully this will help tide you over until our API is finished.

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