Geocoding on the iPhone: Getting the latitude and longitude of an address

I just started working on a project where I need to take an address and turn it in to a latitude/longitude pair. It turns out that this is called geocoding. When I was looking at the docs for MapKit I noticed that Apple conveniently provided some geocoding functionality. Unfortunately it only offers reverse geocoding (turning lat/long into an address). So I went over to the Google Maps API site and checked out what was available there. The call I was interested in looks like this:

It gives you back a nice big JSON response with lots of information about the address, including the latitude and longitude. So I made a nice simple Geocoder class to get that information.

My Geocoder object just grabs the lat/long and builds up an MKCoordinateRegion to send back to the GeocoderDelegate. The sample app shows how to use Geocoder to adjust a MKMapView.

//  Geocoder.h
//  Created by Randall Brown on 3/14/11.
//  Copyright 2011 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

@protocol GeocoderDelegate



@interface Geocoder : NSObject
	id<GeocoderDelegate> delegate;
	NSMutableData *receivedData;


@property (assign) id<GeocoderDelegate> delegate;


Check it out on github.

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One Response to Geocoding on the iPhone: Getting the latitude and longitude of an address

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