Learning from the Mac App Store

When I submitted my apps to the Mac App Store, I expected to get a few hundred downloads because the store was new. I thought every Mac developer on the planet was going to be submitting apps, but somehow, only about 1000 made it into the store.

Because there were so few apps, and even fewer free apps (just over 100), Toto and Thoughtback got WAY more attention than I expected them to. I wasn’t quite ready for it either. The big new feature of Toto is TotoSync, which lets you sync everything between the iPhone version and the Mac version. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I first wrote Toto and I finally was able to finish it. I submitted both apps to the app store on the same day and Toto for Mac was approved right away, while Toto Touch has still not been approved. It’s been “In Review” for days and people are now asking “How do I sync with Toto Touch?” and all I can say is “Hold on, it’s coming”. I thought this could be a problem, but I never expected many people to actually want to use it. I can’t wait until it’s there.

The next problem is that since Toto and Thoughtback are meant to be ultra simple and unobtrusive, I made them little menu bar applets. They run up in the menu bar and are meant to stay out of your way. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t noticing them and they think they aren’t opening. I’m getting slammed in the reviews by people saying “This app sucks, it won’t even open.” So now I have a bunch of people that think my app sucks even though they haven’t even used it. Also, they started coming to my website for help. I hadn’t even gotten close to getting my website ready. I figured I’d do it eventually, because nobody will actually use this.

What did I learn? These are GOOD problems to have. People are actually using my stuff. Shit goes wrong. Apps don’t get approved, people don’t notice things you think they will, and there isn’t a ton you can do about it. So what am I going to do? Well, I’m going to update the apps so that when they open, the user get’s a little more feedback than a tiny brain in the corner or some ruby red slippers. I’m going to update my website. I’m gonna keep working to make sure that these people enjoy using my apps.

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One Response to Learning from the Mac App Store

  1. Alexis says:

    I just downloaded Toto from the Mac App store tonight. I
    LOVE how simple it is to use… I’m not a poweruser for notes/todos
    ect so the simplicity is perfect! I do have a question on the
    capabilities though. I have a mac at home and a pc at work. Is
    there any app/web app I could use on the pc so that I can add todos
    to my list from my pc so it would sync with my list on the mac?
    Thanks! Keep the good work coming!

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