I saw Steve Wozniak today!

Steve Wozniak was one of the graduation speakers for Michigan State this year. After the student convocation, he did a Q & A session for anyone that was interested. It’s rare that someone this important in the world of computing (in the world in general) comes to East Lansing so I took the afternoon off to go see him talk.

I was really surprised at how great of a speaker he is. Whenever I think of Apple I always think of Steve Jobs as the guy that talked and Steve Wozniak as the guy that built stuff. It turns out they’re both pretty good at talking. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was talking to a room full of nerds.

What I liked about the talk was how excited he got about everything. His passion for technology was obvious and it made him seem like so much more of a real person than his appearances on Dancing With the Stars. Halfway through his talk I thought, “Holy shit, I’m 30 feet away from a billionaire” but I never felt like I couldn’t just walk right up and talk to the guy about my favorite new iPhone app. I would have loved to actually go talk to him afterwards but unfortunately he had to get going because he had tickets to a Red Wings game.

I took a short video of a few of the questions and you can see it below. Jump to 4:48 for the question I asked, “Do you still write code?”