Simple imgur iPhone Uploader
This code is very simplistic. It is a simple iPhone app that lets you choose an image from the camera or your phone’s library and send it to imgur. The ImgurUploader class calls out to imgur and returns the URL of the original sized image by calling a delegate method. It doesn’t handle any errors right now either. You will also need to get an API key from imgur, which only takes a second. This comes with the “works on my machine” seal of approval.
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nanting yang:
June 7th, 2012 at 7:45 am
Oh My God…I’m SOOOOOO glad I found your page. The image not showing up issue on imgur uploads was plaguing me all last night and I couldn’t figure out what it was!! The image wouldn’t show up after I used imgur’s example upload code (and a bunch of other methods too, ie AFnetworking, thinking it was an upload/form data issue), but then the error I finally found was something like “216 extraneous bytes after 0x68″, so it had to be an encoding problem.
THANK YOU for diagnosing the problem and posting your encode URL string code! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
Ram Anantharaman:
September 30th, 2012 at 3:10 pm
Thank you so much for keeping this open source. I could not have done this without your help, thank you so much!